Whether you want steak for breakfast, lunch or dinner this is the recipe for you! It cooks up so extremely fast. Actually, make sure you have all your sides ready before starting the steak because it will be finished in a couple minutes!
Steak Bites
- 1-2 pounds Sirloin Steak
- 2-3 Tablespoons butter
- Coarse black pepper
- Course salt
- Granulated garlic (or garlic powder)
Cut steak into bite size pieces, discarding fat. Sprinkle seasonings liberally so every piece has a light coat. Heat 1 T butter in cast iron skillet over high heat. Add single layer of bites and cook undisturbed for 30-45 seconds. Flip and cook other side for 30-45 seconds. Remove to warm plate and cover. Continue until all meat is cooked. Dish up with side dishes and enjoy!